“3 reasons December is the best time of year to look for a new job”
Funny enough we see December as one of our busiest months here at Kate Langford Career Consulting. Which is funny because you think people would be saving their budget for presents. Yet, for us, people seem more motivated than ever this time of year to land that dream job!
They are willing to do whatever it takes to make 2020 their best year to date! So put on the Christmas songs and start applying for that dream job you’ve been procrastinating on all year!! Because December is the best time of the year to do it! And here’s why…
#1 – New beginners buzz
You know the story… you’ve heard it before! Maybe you’ve even said it! “Next year I’m going to find a new job I love!” and even though only 5% of people will take action on this, that’s a 5% increase in action takers and job openings you will be gaining! These people are wanting to land their new job in the new year and that leaves plenty of opportunities for you to sneak in 😊 The flux of openings can also send employers into a frenzy, wanting to organise and plan for the start of the year, for their most productive year to date! They are looking for dedicated, hard-working and passionate staff… that’s you right?
#2 – Take advantage of the advantage!
Ah, the silly season! Everybody is on a fluffy cloud dreaming of all the things they want to come their way in 2020! No one is dreaming about all the Resumes and Selection Criteria they should send off! That’s why December is a great time to take advantage of the people who are too caught up in Xmas to focus on job searching to their full potential! So what are you waiting for? Create your schedule and get those applications off, while everyone is off being distracted by lights and Xmas pudding!
#3 – Big up the budget
Companies do a lot of research into the end of the year in regards to their budgeting. They do this to see leaks needing to be fixed and where they need more resources for the coming year. This often brings the opportunity for job openings that have your name all over them. And as we talked about above, employers what this all organised before the new year! You just need to know where to look and ensure that Resume sells you into an interview!
Great advice but still feeling overwhelmed?
We know first hand the job searching journey can be brutal and frustrating at the best of times. But after 15 years of working in the recruitment and HR industry, we know a trick or two… or ten 😉
If you would like some help to MAXIMISE your chances of landing that job and save yourself wasted time and stress, then we would love to offer you a free strategy session where we uncover the missing components for you and come up with a strategy to help you overcome this by taking advantage of one of our services 😊
Although this call has absolutely NO obligation to purchase we hope you can see the value in our services and know they have been created by your questions, for you and tailored to your individual needs.
Speak soon
Kate & team x

Don’t wait for the right opportunity. Create it.
Book in for a free 20-minute career strategy session with one of our consultants, so you can start taking action today!