You may have paid a fortune to get that degree, earned rewards that shine up on your resume, and gathered hard skills that are really important in getting a job. But have these accomplishments improved your confidence? I doubt it!
Plenty of professionals may execute their jobs effectively on a day-to-day basis, but those that really succeed are powerful enough to have their own unique voice. This is how you stand out from the mediocre crowd and build career confidence. Just take it this way – If you are doing the following, you are actually being cocky rather than confident:
- If you are one-upping someone else
- If you are taking credit for everything
- If you are condescending (eye rolls and insults are the worst)
- If you often shift blame (you may become popular as a backstabber)
The key to being career confident is to appreciate the current setting but constantly strive for a better position. This position, however, should be one that puts you in comfort. You should know that you will be able to justify the move with your confidence and enthusiasm, and not just because it offers some hefty incentive. In short, start building confidence instead of being cocky.
Here is how career confidence can get you over the line
- Career confidence helps you identify the purpose (often known as the ultimate motivator for in boosting your career confidence)
- You need to identify your passion, because for this, you will show interest and enthusiasm. It also means you will not just spend the time considering yourself a slave.
- You need to think of things that you are good at. Building on those things can boost your confidence and open pathways to a more promising career.
- What you are paid also matters. Often the motivation of an increased incentive gets you to work hard, speak up for your efforts and demand recognition for the hard work you have put in.
Don’t wait for the right opportunity. Create it.
Book in for a free 20-minute career strategy session with one of our consultants, so you can start taking action today!

Don’t wait for the right opportunity. Create it.
Book in for a free 20-minute career strategy session with one of our consultants, so you can start taking action today!